Announcement of 「ZIGExN REPORT 2022」
ZIGExN Co., Ltd.(Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, Operating Officer and CEO: Joe Hirao; Securities code: 3679) is pleased to announce the release of its integrated report, ZIGExN REPORT 2022.

In August 2021, we published our first integrated report in light of the recent increase in the importance of non-financial information and the need to promote understanding of the company among a wide range of stakeholders, especially our shareholders.
In this Integrated Report 2022, we updated the previous report based on the concept of “ZIGExN’s Ambidexterity”, and it further promotes understanding of the company from a broad perspective, including our unique ideas and strengths, as well as our investment, human resources, and financial strategies.
We continue to disclose not only financial information but also non-financial information in a timely and appropriate manner, and will place importance on dialogue with our shareholders and other stakeholders in order to strengthen engagement.
We will make our efforts to further enhance our corporate value by strengthening communication with our stakeholders through appropriate information disclosure.
For more information, please click here.
Overview of “ZIGExN REPORT 2022,” ZIGExN’s Integrated Report
■Main Items
ZIGExN Group at a glance
CEO Message – ZIGExN’s Ambidexterity
Interview with Board of Directors -Maximizing Cash Flow
ZIGExN’s Value Creation Model
Medium- and Long-Term Policies
The 2nd Medium-Term Management Plan “Z CORE”
Source of Value Creation
Enduring Strengths: Matching Technologies
Management Strategy Utilizing “AND” Thinking
Investment Strategies to Accelerate Growth
Human resource strategy integrated with management strategy
Financial strategy to support discontinuous growth
Mechanisms to Support Value Creation
Creation of Social Value
Corporate Governance Structure
Risk Analysis
IR Activities
Business portfolio
Life Service Platform Business
Vertical HR – REJOB, MIRAxS, Struct
Living Tech – Chintai SMOCCA, Life Support
Life Service – APPLE WORLD, BrainLab
Data section