ZIGExN’s ESG Policy

 The ZIGExN Group will contribute to the sustainable development of society by realizing its basic philosophy of "maximizing opportunities in life" through various corporate activities.
 In June 2021, the 15th anniversary of our founding, we newly established "Purpose" for our Company’s existence: “Update Your Story for a Butter Future”. These words encompass the idea that you are the main star of your life, and that we hope you advance your life through the services of ZIGExN.
We will incorporate the idea of the purpose into not only businesses and services, but also sustainability activities.
 In August 2021, we released the first integrated report of our group. In order to promote understanding from investors and other stakeholders, we disclosed our value creation process, the strength of our company, and our ESG/SDGs initiatives.
 We will further update the content of our disclosures by referring to the value competition guidance provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), as well as global common frameworks such as TCFD and SASB standards.