To Our Shareholders and Investors
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- Investor Relations
- To Our Shareholders and Investors
CEO Message

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our shareholders and investors for their continued support.
Since our establishment in 2006, we have been striving to expand our business by overcoming various waves of changes in the times, based on our basic philosophy of maximizing opportunities in life and seeking harmony and sustainable development with society by providing a platform to connect the world through the Internet.
We marked the 15th anniversary of our founding this year, 2021, and we have developed our 2nd medium-term management plan "Z Core" to update our management strategies.
Through selection and concentration in market and allocation of management resources, we aim to create "Z-CORE (mainstay business with sales revenue of over 10 billion yen)" in the business domains of "LivingTech" and "Vertical HR". In addition, we will expand the matching technology, one of our strengths, and achieve a further growth by making upfront investments to accelerate the expansion of our customer base.
In addition, we have newly established a Sustainability Promotion Office and will incorporate the SDGs and ESGs into our management in earnest. We will strive to further enhance our corporate value through constructive communication with our stakeholders.
We would appreciate your continuous guidance and support. Thank you.