Manufacturer-specialized Recruitment Agency, Ties Achieved the Highest Growth Rate in the Number of Job Offer Acceptances for Mid-Career Hires in FY2024/3 for Nissan Motors!

Press Release July 19, 2024

Selected from over 100 Agencies! Awarded with a Trophy and Certificate of Appreciation

We are pleased to announce that Ties Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka city, Osaka, Representative Director: Ryosuke Imai, hereinafter referred to as “Ties”), a group company of ZIGExN Co., Ltd. and a manufacturer-specialized recruitment agency, has achieved the highest growth rate in the number of job offer acceptances in Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.’s (Headquarters: Yokohama city, Kanagawa, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO: Makoto Uchida, hereinafter referred to as “Nissan Motor”) mid-career recruitment for FY2023/3, and has been awarded a trophy and a certificate of appreciation.

Since April 2023, Ties has expanded into the Kanto area and established a new office. Therefore, although our full-scale business relationship with Nissan Motor began in FY 2024/3, we have already achieved the highest growth rate in the number of job offer acceptances, earning a trophy and a certificate of appreciation. This award is given to the agency with the highest year-over-year increase in job offer acceptances and was selected from among approximately 40 or more agencies.

We have received the following comment from the HR Representative at Nissan Motor regarding this achievement.

“We are extremely grateful to Ties for helping us recruit double-digit numbers in Nissan Motor’s R&D, especially considering it was their first year expanding into the Kanto area. Additionally, achieving such remarkable results in the increasingly competitive field of engineering recruitment is due to Ties’ proactive approach in wanting to understand the appeal of our R&D sector, and their thoughtful efforts to effectively communicate this appeal to job seekers. We look forward to further introductions this fiscal year (FY2025/3) as well.” (R&D HR Department Manager Mr.Sakura)

At Ties, our consultants carefully select job opportunities that align not only with the preferences and requirements of job seekers but also with their values, corporate culture, and working environment preferences. We aim to propose “companies with a comfortable working environment suited to each individual.” Additionally, we provide thorough support after job placement, including conducting catch-up calls with successful career transitioners. As a result, we take pride in a satisfaction rate of 92% among career transitioners, and we share comments from successful career transitioners to our consultants as “Comments from Successful Career Transitioners” on our service website, delivering them to all job seekers. We would like to introduce “Comments from Successful Career Transitioners” to the consultants who supported their transition to Nissan Motor.

Successful Career Transitioner A (Ties Consultant Mr. Sawada)

“I have successfully received an offer from Nissan Motor, my first choice. I am deeply grateful to Mr. Sawada’s support and guidance, which made this possible. It was truly delightful and surprising to receive an offer from my first-choice company within such a short period of just one month. I appreciate the personalized advice and the introduction to suitable job opportunities since the early stages of my job hunting. In particular, your guidance on my resume helped me effectively showcase my strengths and experiences, which was immensely helpful. Your assistance with interview preparation was also invaluable and allowed me to face interviews confidently. Moreover, your prompt and courteous support throughout the communication with the company made negotiations and procedures proceed smoothly and securely. I believe I would not have been able to navigate through this process so smoothly on my own. I am eager to work harder and grow further in my new workplace. Thank you very much once again. Please take care of yourself, and I wish you all the best.”

Successful Career Transitioner B (Ties Consultant Mr. Kimura)

“I want to thank you for supporting me in my job search. Initially, I registered with various job hunting services and applied blindly, only to face rejection in the initial screening, which left me feeling discouraged. After consulting with Mr. Kimura, I gained clarity on my career goals, and as a result, I achieved an extraordinary experience of passing through the initial screenings and first interviews for all my top choice companies. My true first choice company was one I had almost given up on just by looking at the job description, but thanks to your inquiry into the company’s true expectations, I was able to secure an offer without any misalignment. I express my deep gratitude and wish Mr. Kimura continued success in all endeavors.” (

Since the foundation over 15 years ago, Ties has accumulated a strong track record in career transitions and recruitment support, primarily focusing on leading manufacturers. This has allowed us to build deep insights and relationships across various companies and job categories. As a result, we have had the privilege of handling numerous confidential job openings that are not listed on other service sites, among which we have secured a substantial number of exclusive job opportunities. 

Ties will continue to leverage its unique and extensive job offerings and matchmaking expertise to support job seekers who aspire to work for companies in the manufacturing industry.

■Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Company Profile

[Headquarters location]1-1, Takashima 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawal
[Established]December 26, 1933
[Representative]Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO: Makoto Uchida
[Business]Automobile manufacturing, sales, and related businesses\

■Ties Co., Ltd. Company Profile

Since its establishment in 2005, Ties has been exclusively dedicated to providing career transition support within the manufacturing sector. Ties’ consultants are well-versed in the intricacies of manufacturing jobs, enabling them to offer highly specialized assistance to job seekers. 
[Company Name]Ties Co., Ltd.
[Headquarters Location]HERBIS ENT Office Tower 23rd Floor, 2-2-22 Umeda Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka
[Established]July 22, 2005
[Representative]Eiji Hirooka, Representative Director
[Business Profile]Job placement business specializing in manufacturers
[Official Twitter]
[Official YouTube]

Contact information for the press regarding this matter
ZIGExN Co., Ltd.
Public Relations Officer