Consolidated Financial Highlights

  • Performance Indicators

    (Unit: million yen)
    2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
    Sales revenue 13,199 12,564 15,272 18,709 23,249
    EBITDA 4,619 3,808 4,265 5,334 6,781
    Operating income 3,806 △ 1,062 3,314 4,180 5,394
    Pre-tax profit 3,800 △ 1,069 3,309 4,199 5,430
    Net income attributable to owners of the parent company 2,669 △ 1,964 2,262 2,930 3,800
    Basic earnings per share 24.02 △ 18.05 20.92 27.85 36.53
  • Sales revenue


  • Operating income

  • Pre-tax profit

  • Net income attributable to owners of the parent company

  • Basic net income per share

    *As of January 1, 2018, the Company conducted a stock split at a ratio of 2 shares per common share. In the above, the figures for the index per share when retroactively adjusted in consideration of the impact of the stock split are shown.

Consolidated Financial Position

  • Financial Indicators

    (Unit: million yen)
    2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
    Total assets 22,406 20,101 21,604 30,393 34,535
    Total equity attributable to owners of the parent 16,261 12,988 14,929 16,073 19,449
    PRatio of equity attributable to owners of the parent to total assets (%) 72.6 64.6 69.1 52.9 56.3
    Goodwill-to-capital ratio (times) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5
    Equity per share attributable to owners of the parent (yen) 146.34 120.13 138.08 154.54 187
  • Total assets

  • Total equity attributable to owners of the parent

  • Parent company owner-attributable equity ratio(%)

  • Goodwill-to-capital ratio (times)

  • Equity per share attributable to owners of the parent (yen)

    *The Company effected share splits as of January 1, 2018, in the proportion of two to one of its ordinary shares. In the above, the numeric value of the indicator per share is described where the impact accompanied by the said share splits has been taken into consideration, and the retroactive adjustments thereof have been made.

Consolidated Cash Flow Status

  • Consolidated Cash Flows※CF: Cash Flow (Unit: million yen)

    (Unit: million yen)
    2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
    CF from operating activities 2,144 2,567 3,847 5,706 6,841
    CF from investing activities △ 1,642 △ 1,746 △1,283 △4,601 △961
    CF from financing activities △ 1,160 △ 29 △1,391 267 △2,591
  • CF from operating activities

  • CF from investing activities

  • CF from financing activities