BrainLab, providing DX support for temporary staffing and Job placement agencies, has absorbed and merged its subsidiary, TEICHACK Inc.

Press Release July 1, 2024

Expanding IT services for the HR industry, aiming for further business expansion.

We are pleased to announce that BrainLab Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Norihiro Nakae, hereinafter referred to as BrainLab), a group company of ZIGExN Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Directors, Operating Officer, and CEO: Joe Hirao, Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime: 3679, hereinafter referred to as ZIGExN), providing DX support for Temporary staffing and Job placement agencies, has absorbed and merged its subsidiary, TEICHACK Inc. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Tetsuya Isono, hereinafter referred to as TEICHACK) as of July 1, 2024, to further expand its business.

1. Purpose of the absorption merger

Under the vision of “blooming ~ Enriching Lives through ‘Work’ ~,” BrainLab offers the cloud-based business systems “CAREER PLUS” and “MatchinGood” for Temporary staffing and Job placement businesses, as well as the LINE Official Account expansion tool “MyRec” for Temporary staffing and Job placement agencies. By absorbing and merging TEICHACK, which has been responsible for the planning, development, and operation of the LINE Official Account expansion tool “+one step” that supports the entire process from recruitment to matching and retention, we aim to provide deeper support to the human resources business industry and companies facing recruitment challenges. This merger is intended to enhance our capability to assist these organizations more effectively.

BrainLab, which has been providing specialized services to the human resources business industry for over 20 years, acquired 100% of TEICHACK’s shares on March 28, 2024, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. This acquisition was aimed at leveraging the synergies between Brain Lab and TEICHACK, as well as improving the efficiency of management operations and strengthening management oversight. To further expand and accelerate our business, we have now absorbed and merged TEICHACK. This merger is being carried out with a spirit of equality between the two companies, progressing towards full integration of their management.

. Outlooks after absorption merger

The “+one step” feature is already being offered to Temporary staffing and Job placement agencies as part of Brain Lab’s “MyRec” service.

Moving forward, through collaboration with our DX support platform business, we aim to establish a comprehensive supply chain that can provide everything from attracting job seekers and workers to recruitment and retention support, not only in the human resources business industry but also for anyone facing challenges in recruitment and retention.

3. Overview of the Absorption merger

(1) Merger Date (Effective Date): July 1, 2024
(2) Merger Method: Merger by absorption, with Brain Lab as the surviving entity and TEICHACK dissolving.
(3) Succession of Rights and Obligations: The surviving entity will inherit the assets and liabilities of the dissolving entity, as well as any contracts entered into and the associated credits and debts.

■About BrainLab Inc.

We develop and provide a top-class core system for the Temporary staffing/ Job placement industry. Our cloud-based business systems, “CAREER PLUS” and “MatchinGood,” are adopted by over 1300 companies, ranging from major companies to small businesses. Additionally, we offer “MyRec,” an extension tool for LINE official accounts tailored for Temporary Staffing and Job placement agencies. We operate on a subscription-based business model in the HR tech field.

Founded by the first CIO (Chief Information Officer) of Intelligence Co., Ltd. (currently Persol Career), we experienced steady business growth and joined the ZIGExN Group in 2014. Furthermore, in April 2019, we merged with Matchingood Co., Ltd., a company with strengths in the temporary staffing industry, allowing us to expand our existing business while maintaining industry leadership.

While we have established a top-tier share in core systems for the HR industry, we are currently focusing on developing new services for a wide range of HR industries.

We aim for further growth by leveraging the insights and expertise in HR business cultivated at Brain Lab, along with the marketing strength of the ZIGExN Group and its extensive online class field operation related to life events. By creating synergy between these strengths, we will continue to accelerate our business with “HR” and “IT” as our keywords, guiding our business toward success.

■BrainLab Inc. Company Profile

[Company Name] BrainLab, Inc.
[Headquarters Location] Canal Gate Shibaura 3F, 4-4-12-38 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0023
[Representative] President and Representative Director Norihiro Nakae
[Business Profile]
Consulting support for Job Placement and Temporary Staffing Business
Development and sale of business management systems for Job Placement and Temporary Staffing Agencies
[Established] November, 2002
[Press Release regarding this announcement]

Contact information for the press regarding this matter
ZIGExN Co., Ltd.
Public Relations Officer